2024 Yearly Overview

The year starts off with Saturn squaring (conflict) Venus January 01, 2024 EST, June 8 2024 EDT and October 28, 2024 EST. You could find yourself ignoring the law or truth now. Your values may counteract the rules and regulations around you. Money could become restricted around this date causing stress.

Pluto is still in the sign of Aquarius through most of this year and will be in this sign for quite a few years, so we should see more of the same energy for power struggles as 2023. The last time Pluto was in the sign of Aquarius was between 1778 and 1798. It was a revolutionary and transformative time that changed the world view of power, money, technology and society as a whole.

This was the time of the French Revolution where Marie Antoinette was said to say “Let them eat cake”. At some point in 1789, after being told that the French population was facing a bread shortage, because of the poor crop harvest and the rodents, and as a result, were starving, Marie Antoinette replied with “let them eat cake!” Cake, obviously being a more expensive item than bread just went on to show how out of touch she was with her subjects. With this callous remark, the Queen became a hated symbol of the monarchy which fueled the French revolution and ultimately led to her (literally) losing her head a few years later.

This is the same energy that we will have to navigate over the next few years with inflation raising the cost of food, war contributing to food, supply chain and energy shortages and those in power being out of touch with the population who are suffering under them. Some in power may again “lose their head”.

Mercury goes Direct (forward in motion) January 01, 2024 EST. Now is the time to start all those ideas that you researched while Mercury was retrograde. It is a great time to travel, purchase a new vehicle or communication device. Sign those contracts now. Enjoy!

Mars enters the sign of Capricorn January 04, 2024 EST. This energy is about taking charge and being in control now. You will want to get things organized and will have the initiative to do so around this date. This will be a time of ambition and wanting to take more responsibility, but you will also need to stay cool and collected pacing yourself.

Mercury is squaring (conflict angle) Neptune January 08, 2024 EST and June 17, 2024 EDT. Communication will be quite foggy now. Others may try to mislead you by not telling you the truth. You could get too carried away with your plans as things aren’t clear now. Slow down and take more time. Consult professionals if you are unsure.

Mars is sextile (soft angle) Saturn January 09, 2024 EST and July 05, 2024 EDT. There will be an opportunity now to move forward in areas that seemed impossible a little while ago. The key here is to not push too hard or you could do more damage than if you left everything alone. Take your time and move in a slow disciplined manner to reach success.

Mars is trine (great angle) Jupiter January 12, 2024 EST. This is a great time to move forward with any actions that have previously been on hold or that you had difficulty with in the past. You will have a lot of energy and drive and should be able to manifest any career decisions more assertively. Not a lot can hold you back now.

Mercury enters the sign of Capricorn January 13, 2024 EST. You can become quite interested in organizing projects and people around this date even though it can be quite a challenge now. You will need facts rather than just folks’ opinions on how to work out matters, and there must be some practicality to the ideas put forth now. This can become quite an intense period of study and thought.

Mercury is sextile (soft angle) Saturn January 18, 2024 EST and May 27, 2024 EDT. This is a great time to put your mind to work on any details that will solve problems and obstacles from the past. You will have the mental discipline to move forward now with these issues.

Mercury is trine (great angle) Jupiter January 19, 2024 EST and October 08, 2024 EDT. This is a great time to communicate your ideas to others. Lots of ideas abound in your mind and you can make important decisions around this date. This is also a great time for travel and enjoying yourself.

Venus squares (conflict angle) Neptune January 19, 2024 EST, June 16, 2024 EDT and November 09, 2024 EST. This is not the time for daydreaming or trying to escape reality. If you do so, you may lose what you value most. Medications may be hard to obtain now due to cost and value. Those not in a position to pay the most could lose out.

Uranus goes Direct (forward in motion) January 26, 2024 EST. This will be a time of sudden innovation. All those ideas that were put on hold will suddenly come out on display for all to see. Uranus rules sudden inspiration, unusual events, electrical issues, computers, the nervous system in the body, the electrical grid and in the sign of Taurus, brings sudden income or our values and what is important to us may suddenly change course, our monetary system may be suddenly affected in some manner, how we pay for items could change suddenly.

There may be a new look for practical ideas concerning the use of money and resources. There is a need to reform the older methods that no longer work. The old school of hanging on to material attachments can hinder the freedom to find new methods that could work better now. Sudden wealth could occur now as well as sudden bankruptcy. Take care with finances as those get rich quick schemes really are too good to be real. Get a second and even third opinion before jumping into something that could quickly turn around shortly after it peaks……be prepared.

Venus is sextile (soft angle) Saturn January 28, 2024 EST, May 13 EDT and November 22, 2024 EST. This brings an opportunity your way to increase your savings or do some much-needed renovations to increase value to items needing repair. If you meet someone new now, they may be older or more stable and set in their ways.

Mercury is trine (great angle) Uranus January 28, 2024 EST and September 24, 2024 EDT. This is all about original thinking with quick wit, insights and a surplus of original solutions at hand. This is also a great time for inventions and breakthroughs. Write down and communicate your ideas, who knows where they will take you.

Venus is trine (great angle) Jupiter January 28, 2024 EST, September 15, 2024 EDT and December 19, 2024 EST. This is a great time when people receive benefits and gifts from others. Enjoy what you value most now. You can enjoy finding solutions that have evaded you in the past. A great time to meet a new partner or to recommit to an old one. Enjoy!

Mars is trine (great angle) Uranus January 29, 2024 EST. Sudden and unusual actions could move you forward now. You will like being different and have new ideas you want to put in place. This is the time you could experience a breakthrough by using a novel approach.

Mercury is sextile (soft angle) Neptune February 02, 2024 EST and June 2, 2024 EDT. Now is a great creative time that allows you to put your thoughts into words that will allow you to captivate others. A good book and movie will also be enjoyed around this date.

Mercury is conjunct (joining) Pluto February 05, 2024 EST. This is a great time to receive some psychological analysis or discover hidden agendas. This is also a great time for research analysis and deducting the end results from all that data. A time for new discoveries from research projects.

Venus is trine (great angle) Uranus February 07, 2024 EST, August 27, 2024 EDT and December 02, 2024 EST. You could suddenly meet a new romantic partner or just enjoy new friends now. You will want to do something unusual and different and want to get away from your routine for a while.

Mars is sextile (soft angle) Neptune February 07, 2024 EST and July 20, 2024 EDT. There is an opportunity now to unify and simplify your life. People will want to escape the everyday world around them and will yearn for some form of imaginative escape like film, books, dreams and medications. This is a great time for a cruise.

Mercury is squaring (conflict angle) Jupiter February 07, 2024 EST and September 21, 2024 EDT. This is a time when everyone will have multiple ideas on how to move forward. With this energy being a conflict angle though, those ideas may have to be reworked in future as they are too expansive right now.

Venus is sextile (soft angle) Neptune February 13, 2024 EST, May 23, 2024 EDT and December 04, 2024 EST. This is a great day to enjoy dreaming and imagination. Take time to see a good movie or read a book. Your imagination could show you new and futuristic ideas. Enjoy!

Mars is conjunct (joining) Pluto February 14, 2024 EST. This energy is about giving up one thing to make room for something better. It is about a fight to the death of the old order. There will be precision and deliberation involved, while they are deeply committed to a course of action. Pluto in Aquarius is about sudden events that deal with control, obsession and power over electrical systems and communication. Mars rules younger males, some in uniform that take actions that (Mars in Aquarius) would be conceived as unusual or eccentric. Protect and back up all of your computer systems before this time.

Mercury is squaring (conflict angle) Uranus February 16, 2024 EST, July 21, 2024 EDT, August 18, 2024 EDT and September 06, 2024 EDT. This will be a stressful time where folks may make sudden monetary decisions that they regret at a later date. Arguments and misunderstandings will come out of the blue. Travel may be laced with sudden corrections or delays or come with changes that are unexpected. Be sure to have all your paperwork in hand before you embark on your new adventures. Changing your mind over and over again as well as unexpected trips, will not be unusual around this date.

Venus is conjunct (joining) Pluto February 17, 2024 EST and December 07, 2024 EST. Pluto rules power and control and in this case the energy of Venus rules income, values and partnerships of all types. There will be endings now and these in turn leave room for new beginnings. If you meet someone new around this date, be sure to not give your power away to them, they certainly will be asking for it. This is the best time to work on your own subconscious issues.

Venus is conjunct (joining) Mars February 22, 2024 EST. You could be looking for romance around this date, or wanting some emotional release now. You can appreciate emotions and feelings of others and may want to just get out and release all this energy with some fresh air and exercise. Enjoy!

Venus is squaring (conflict angle) Jupiter February 27, 2024 EST and August 19, 2024 EDT. What you value and your current choices are at odds around this date and you may not appreciate the easy clear-cut options. You may choose instead a more difficult path forward. Second opinions could help you see clearly now.

Mars squares (conflict angle) Jupiter February 27, 2024 EST. People could become too emotional around this date for their own good. People will make some bad decisions now acting out too aggressively or expanding their actions too far.

Mercury is conjunct (joining) Saturn February 28, 2024 EST. Saturn rules restrictions as well as rules and regulations, while Mercury rules the air that we breath, communication and travel of all types. Both in the sign of Pisces could indicate some restrictions or issues with travel with fluids or on water. New rules and regulations may be implemented slowing these things down.

Mercury is sextile (soft angle) Jupiter February 29, 2024 EST and July 08, 2024 EDT. This brings and opportunity to get any previous ideas off the ground. You may decide to purchase a new communication device, vehicle or even take a short trip. Make those decisions now if you have been delaying.

Venus is squaring (conflict angle) Uranus March 03, 2024 EST, August 02, 2024 EDT and December 28, 2024 EST. This is not a time where others will value any unusual ideas, rather they will want to go back to ideas they are previously familiar with. There could be a sudden correction or instability around income or markets now.

Mercury is sextile (soft angle) Uranus March 04, 2024 EST and June 29, 2024 EDT. Invention and breakthroughs are possible now, where solutions and insights are available. Communication with others will be original with quick answers and humor.

Mercury is conjunct (joining) Neptune March 08, 2024 EST. This is a great time to write down your thoughts and dreams. Imagination rules now and you can document all your ideas to be used at a later date. You may also decide to take a cruise. Enjoy the time!

Mars is squaring (conflict angle) Uranus March 09, 2024 EST. This energy is all about accidents so take more care in what you do and how you do it. Don’t take risks or chances, rather be satisfied by things that are useful and ordinary. Steer away from novel ideas as your emotional energy will be more hectic now.

Mercury is sextile (soft angle) Pluto March 10, 2024 EDT and November 02, 2024 EDT. This energy is all about in-depth communication with others. Analytical abilities are high now allowing folks to see the underlying issues that may have been hidden in the past.

Venus is conjunct (joining) Saturn March 21, 2024 EDT. Saturn is the ruler of regulations and laws and with this energy there is an appreciation for responsibilities and duty. Difficulties and problems will teach the value of learning to overcome obstacles.

Venus is sextile (soft angle) Jupiter March 24, 2024 EDT and July 21, 2024 EDT. You may find that folks want the good life now. They have been waiting so long for things to change that they just want to reward themselves with items they value. You will receive pleasure from finding your own way and solving problems in your own manner now.

Venus is sextile (soft angle) Uranus March 28, 2024 EDT and July 08, 2024 EDT. This is a time when anything unusual or independent in nature is valued. Folks will want to get away from it all and do something completely unique and different. Enjoy!

Mercury goes Retrograde (backwards in motion) April 1, 2024 EDT. This is not the best time to travel, purchase a new vehicle or communication device, sign contracts or start new projects. This is rather the time to review issues that have not been working in the past, repair item that are broken or aren’t working and research and compile any new ideas that you want to move forward on once Mercury goes direct again.

Venus is conjunct (joining) Neptune April 03, 2024 EDT. This is a great time to hunker down and just let your imagination run wild. Enjoy a new movie, book or artistic venture as the ideas will be coming in dreams or even reality.

Venus is sextile (soft angle) Pluto April 06, 2024 EDT and October 17, 2024 EDT. This is a great time to work through any sensitive problems you have to deal with. Inner contemplation will help you in the right direction. You may obsess or fantasize over something of value. Be sure to get a second opinion as you could be blinded by past subconscious issues that drive you.

Mars is conjunct (joining) Saturn April 10, 2024 EDT. Mars rules actions, while Saturn rules Governments, rules and restrictions. When both act together you can produce new rules and regulations that can restrict the actions of others. This can form restrictions on peoples dreams and aspirations causing even more frustration. The end of one form of thinking and the beginning of another.

Mars is sextile (soft angle) Jupiter April 19, 2024 EDT. This brings an opportunity your way to be quite assertive in your career decisions. This gives you all the drive and energy that you need to move forward, clearing the path before you. Go for it!

Mars is sextile (soft angle) Uranus April 19, 2024 EDT and October 24, 2024 EDT. This is a great time to start something new and different. It is a great time for new ideas and trying a novel approach to issues that haven’t worked in the past.

Jupiter is conjunct (joining) Uranus April 20, 2024 EDT. You can find that you prosper now using new insights, inventions and independent point of view. Being a bit unusual by taking a few risks could open up your career. New approaches come to you and now is the time to use them for your success.

Mercury goes Direct (forward in motion) April 25, 2024 EDT. Now is the time to start all those ideas that you researched while Mercury was retrograde. It is a great time to travel, purchase a new vehicle or communication device. Sign those contracts now. Enjoy!

Mars is conjunct (joining) Neptune April 28, 2024 EDT. People will want something more imaginative and will have a strong drive to simplify their lives now. This is a time for yearning for something more, a sense of unity from the cosmos.

Venus is squaring (conflict angle) Pluto April 30, 2024 EDT and September 22, 2024 EDT. Wanting control of the money is what this is all about. This brings about conflict with others as you try to manage what they value most. There may also be a problem with the money markets around this date. Whatever hasn’t worked in the past may be scrapped now. New rules and regulations start in the area of oil and gas, markets and the dollar. No one is having fun now.

Pluto goes Retrograde (backwards in motion) May 02, 2024 EDT. Pluto rules power and control as well as transformation to anything that hasn’t worked in the past. With Pluto in Aquarius this transformation will be sudden and life changing for some. While Pluto goes Retrograde there will be a review of past issues of power and control as well as obsession over wanting that control. Expect some setbacks in Government’s and big business that need to make major reform. What always worked in the past will no longer hold water with the masses. This will be a time of review and perhaps back peddling on their part. Global markets may take a bit of a hit around this date. Rules and regulations will have to be reviewed now as people will want to upend what was built in the past. Review of the oil, gas and mining industry will have to occur now.

Mars is sextile (soft angle) Pluto May 03, 2024 EDT. This is an opportunity to move forward with research projects that can help others. You will be able to see deeply into what drives others forward and be able to control the situation yourself. This is also a great time to work through any internal changes that you may have to make to move forward from this date on.

Mercury is squaring (conflict angle) Pluto May 17, 2024 EDT and October 13, 2024 EDT. This is all about trying to control how and what we communicate to others. Some comments may be obsessive in nature, while others could be suspicious of all types of communication. Being unable to separate fact from fiction.

Venus is conjunct (joining) Uranus May 18, 2024 EDT. Sudden events in romance, income, money and anything that you value. That is the energy of the day. You may want to get away from the everyday routine to do something completely different. Time to purchase a lottery ticket!!

Venus is conjunct (joining) Jupiter May 23, 2024 EDT. Jupiter (expansion) and Venus here are both in the sign of Taurus (values/tenacity) indicating the potential of increased spending. The global economy could balloon around this date causing an increase in inflation. Take stock of what you really need now, rather than what you want. Many folks could be overextended with their lending institutions. The dominoes will start to fall, faster and faster with no way to catch up.

Jupiter is sextile (soft angle) Neptune may 23, 2024 EDT. This is a great time to pursue your ideals and make your dreams a reality. This can bring about mass group communication and cooperation to move your career forward. Keep the narrative alive.

Venus is trine (great angle) Pluto May 25, 2024 EDT and August 29, 2024 EDT. You may find you are obsessive about what you love around this date. You can work through past issues that held you back. Now is the time to move ahead and not allow anything to hold you back.

Jupiter enters the sign of Gemini May 25, 2024 EDT. Jupiter is not as strong in the sign and may place people at a disadvantage now. Expansion in communication, transport and travel is what this energy is all about. People will want to know what is going on, seeking knowledge and information now. They won’t just accept the party line. This will be a time of expanding your need to communicate your beliefs and what you’re learning with others. There will be an explosion of information now through the media, publishing, education and psychic investigations. Enjoy the learning process.

Mercury is conjunct (joining) Uranus May 31, 2024 EDT. This is a great time for a breakthrough in the idea department where folks’ mental activity is in top form. People around you will have great insights and good humor.

Jupiter is trine (great angle) Pluto June 02, 2024 EDT. You will benefit from analytical insights and getting to the heart of the matter. Your career and personal growth may depend on how well you handle sensitive psychological information around this date. Take care with the secrets of others.

Mercury is trine (great angle) Pluto June 04, 2024 EDT and September 25, 2024 EDT. In depth discussions and conversations will find folks at their analytical best now. The ideas will come lightening fast.

Mercury is conjunct (joining) Jupiter June 04, 2024 EDT. This will be a time to make plans while you are clearheaded and able to view all alternate paths ahead of you. You will be able to see clearly the road ahead and will make the right choices.

Mars is squaring (conflict angle) Pluto June 11, 2024 EDT. This energy is all about a conflict between those who want power and control over your actions. The outcome is revolt in some manner. There will be intense emotional drama scenes played out between these two entities. The end result will be more of a slash and burn ending. There may also be a major eruption dealing with fire and total transformation of the surface it moves over.

Mercury is squaring (conflict angle) Saturn June 12, 2024 EDT, November 12, 2024 EST, December 06, 2024 EST and December 28, 2024 EST. People could feel mentally restricted or depressed around this date. This is not the best time to solve any serious issues as your thinking could be compromised. Take a step back and let time give you a break until you can think clearly again.

Mercury is trine (great angle) Saturn June 26, 2024 EDT and October 22, 2024 EDT. This is a great time for serious thinking. You should be able to work out any previous problems and difficulties from the past. Go back over your previous work and the answers should jump out at you now.

Saturn goes Retrograde (backwards in motion) June 29, 2024 EDT. This will be a time that those in authority will review what they have in place and decide if more or less is required once Saturn goes direct again in November.

Neptune goes Retrograde (backwards in motion) July 01, 2024 EDT. This energy is about having to revise your dreams and expectations. There is information out there that is being hidden or kept from the masses. Don’t be surprised if folks don’t like it when their ideals don’t manifest and they see them all slipping away. There may be some recalls in the area of medications, water and alcohol due to hidden issues that need to be revised.

Mercury is trine (great angle) Neptune July 02, 2024 EDT and October 31, 2024 EDT. This is a great time to let your imagination soar. A great time for writers or films to come to life. Your dreams could tell you which direction to move forward towards if you have had blockages in the past. Journaling would be a great hobby to take up now.

Venus is trine (great angle) Saturn July 02, 2024 EDT and October 04, 2024 EDT. People will be wanting law and order now and appreciate duty and responsibility. They will enjoy and learn from these responsibilities building strong self esteem.

Mercury is opposing (difficult angle) Pluto July 03, 2024 EDT. Communication will be quite difficult around this date. Bullies abound wanting to control others through communication. You may find that others are quite secretive and underhanded for your taste. Your thoughts and ideas go against their secretive, power-oriented manner and you will call them on it. Verbal abuse abounds. Stay off social media as troll will be running wild.

Venus is trine (great angle) Neptune July 11, 2024 EDT and October 15, 2024 EDT. This is a great time to let your imagination soar. Some just need to take a step back and enjoy a great book or film to ground mentally. Always working isn’t good for anyone, so enjoying the moment can cleanse the soul. Enjoy the day!

Venus opposes (difficult angle) Pluto July 12, 2024 EDT. People around you can be quite intense and secretive now. You would want to be around them as they work through their inner struggles. There may be some form of power struggle between partners. Take care.

Mars is conjunct (joining) Uranus July 15, 2024 EDT. This energy is all about breaking out of the mould you’ve built for yourself. You will want to try different and unusual things now. You may be prone to sudden actions that leave those around you baffled. Take care as accidents could occur around this date. Sudden fires or explosions can occur. Check those pilot lights if you use gas appliances.

Mars is trine (great angle) Pluto July 21, 2024 EDT. There is a drive now to research, probe and penetrate the actions of others. This is great if you are working on your own inner challenges, but in dealing with others this could find you too dominating and even oppressive. You just won’t know when to give up, due to being so driven to find answers. Take time to also smell the roses here.

Mercury goes Retrograde again August 04, 2024 EDT. This is not the best time to travel, purchase a new vehicle or communication device, sign contracts or start new projects. This is rather, the time to review issues that have not been working in the past, repair item that are broken or aren’t working and research and compile any new ideas that you want to move forward on once Mercury goes direct again.

Mars is conjunct (joining) Jupiter August 14, 2024 EDT. This is a great time to be more assertive while you move forward in your career. You will find that you have all the drive and energy you need and you should have no problem in using it now. The path is open and clear to move ahead.

Mars squares (conflict angle) Saturn August 16, 2024 EDT. This indicates a conflict between rules and regulations or authority and younger males and their actions. This will not be an easy time as your own drive will be at odds with the way things are. This in turn will cause frustration. If you keep on pushing you could break something, or become ill. Best to relax and be patient letting the issues around you blow over.

Venus opposes (difficult angle) Saturn August 19, 2024 EDT. Someone in authority over you may oppose your values and put a damper on your desires. They may wish you to take a decrease in pay or pay more in taxes. You will be unable to understand their reasoning for this.

Jupiter squares (conflict angle) Saturn August 19, 2024 EDT and December 24, 2024 EST. There is a conflict here between one’s career path and your own sense of responsibility. There is a hard trade off now where you can’t win either way, but negotiations will be in order. The test now is to try to move forward in a way that includes both, but you can still live with the outcome.

Venus opposes (difficult angle) Neptune August 28, 2024 EDT. It will be a difficult time to figure out what you value most. The facts may not be clear now and you could make the wrong decisions in regards to your job, income and partnerships. Best to wait until the facts are clear before making any major changes now. Get a second or even third opinion before moving forward.

Mercury goes Direct (forward in motion) August 28, 2024 EDT. Now is the time to start all those ideas that you researched while Mercury was retrograde. It is a great time to travel, purchase a new vehicle or communication device. Sign those contracts now. Enjoy!

Uranus goes Retrograde (backwards in motion) September 01, 2024 EDT. This will be a time for review if the facts don’t stack up correctly in the area of income and values. This may be a time of more opposition for big banks and business where their actions will be under review. There could be a sudden correction in the markets around this date. Those who have held on to the old methods will find they don’t work anymore and could receive a financial correction now. Some jobs could be lost around this date. Values may have to face some form of correction now.

Mars squares (conflict angle) Neptune September 02, 2024 EDT. There may be a major wind storm at sea around this date leading to stressful accidents/fire at sea. Your imagination and actions are at odds, so you may have to tone down any grandiose ideas so you can accomplish smaller projects to move forward.

Mercury is opposing (difficult angle) Saturn September 18, 2024 EDT. People in control will be trying to restrict what you say or think now. Your thoughts may differ from the established norm causing them to react negatively to you. Traveling may become more difficult and restrictive now as well. Be sure all your paperwork is in order before you leave.

Mercury is opposing (difficult angle) Neptune September 25, 2024 EDT. Someone isn’t telling the truth, rather they are telling their own imaginative reality. Best to not place stock in anything folks tell you around this time, as you could find out the reality is a very different animal. Go over any contracts with a fine-tooth comb now. All the writing isn’t in the contract, rather the verbiage will be vague enough to catch you up.

Mars is trine (great angle) Saturn September 29, 2024 EDT. Saturn is all about rules and regulations and building stable structures, while Mars rules our actions and how we move forward by what we do. In this case with this great angle our actions should be successful in building structures that stand the test of time. This is all about disciplined work to move forward to succeed. Job well done!

Jupiter goes Retrograde (backwards in motion) October 09, 2024 EDT. Jupiter brings us benefits and when it goes retrograde it can bring too much into our lives. In this case Jupiter is in the sign of Taurus which rules what we value most, income, the throat, thyroid, tenacity, immovability.

Pluto goes Direct (forward in motion) October 11, 2024 EDT. Now will be a great time for Governments to move forward with any plans that they had previously on reform. Interest rates may increase now as those who are greedy want their part of the pie and putting an added strain on regular people. This in turn could cause the wobbly global economy to tip and start its slide downwards. When big business is running the governments of the world, there is no end in sight.

Venus opposes (difficult angle) Uranus October 14, 2024 EDT. There may be a sudden correction in the global markets now. Be sure to have something put away for a rainy day, because it just arrived with a bang. Some partnerships could suddenly end or begin around this date.

Mars is trine (great angle) Neptune October 28, 2024 EDT. There is a strong drive to unify and simplify your life. People will want to escape the everyday world around them and will yearn for some form of imaginative escape. This is a great time for a cruise.

Mercury opposes (difficult angle) Uranus October 30, 2024 EDT. Sudden events that involve travel, communication, siblings and even the air we breath could bring issues forward now. If you have to communicate with others now, they may take what you say totally out of context now. Sudden verbal road rage type of fights, can occur around this date.

Mars opposes (difficult angle) Pluto November 03, 2024 EDT. This is about a fight to the death. There will be precision and deliberation involved, while they are deeply committed to a course of action. Pluto in Aquarius is about sudden events that deal with control, obsession and power over electrical systems and communication. Mars rules younger males, some in uniform that take actions that (Mars in Leo) would be conceived as attention getting.

Venus opposes (difficult angle) Jupiter November 03, 2024 EDT. You could find that everything is just too much now. Inflation is out of control and you just can’t make ends meet no matter how hard you try. This energy is about spending too much for items of value causing stress in your life. You will need to find a balance between needs and wants now. Be sure you know the difference or you could have major difficulty in future.

Saturn goes Direct (forward in motion) November 15, 2024 EST. This will be a time that Governments and those in authority will decide if more or less is required. Any rules or regulations they had constructed during the Saturn retrograde period may now be put into place. A smoother transition should occur. More governments could work together on a shared plan now trying to build an ideal environment for all.

Mercury opposes (difficult angle) Jupiter November 18, 2024 EST, December 04, 2024 EST and December 26, 2024 EST. Others just won’t understand where you are coming from now. They do things one way, while you do things another. Though both methods may achieve the same results, they just won’t understand your method. This is about spinning your wheels.

Mercury goes Retrograde (backwards in motion) November 25, 2024 EST. As said previously, this is not the best time to travel, purchase a new vehicle or communication device, sign contracts or start new projects. This is, rather, the time to review issues that have not been working in the past, repair item that are broken or aren’t working and research and compile any new ideas that you want to move forward on once Mercury goes direct again.

Mars goes Retrograde (backwards in motion) December 06, 2024 EST. It may be more difficult now to get any ideas or actions off the ground around this date. There could be more opposition to your movement forward, so it would be best to make plans during this time and be ready to put everything in action once Mars goes Direct again next year. Frustration will be rampant now, no one is moving forward. Actions with others could be blown out of proportion

Neptune goes Direct (forward in motion) December 07, 2024 EST. This will be a time to move forward with all those great ideas and see your dreams realized. It will look like all that hard work was worth it. A new spirituality could start around this date. New medications could be discovered, new films on fantasy and new books that get the imagination stimulated. Good news all around.

Mercury goes Direct (forward in motion) December 15, 2024 EST. Now is the time to start all those ideas that you researched while Mercury was retrograde. It is a great time to travel, purchase a new vehicle or communication device. Sign those contracts now. Enjoy!

That seems to be it for 2024. I hope you have a great year!!

                                           2023 Yearly Overview

The year starts off with Pluto conjunct (joining) Venus January 01, 2023 EST. This is a great time to work through some sensitive subconscious problems. This is also a great time to make fundamental changes to income, money and what you value the most. This will define how you move forward for the rest of the year.

Neptune forms a sextile (soft angle) with Mercury January 02, 2023, February 06, 2023 EST and June 09 EDT. Now is a great creative time that allows you to put your thoughts into words that will allow you to captivate others. A good book and movie will also be enjoyed around this date.

Jupiter forms a sextile (soft angle) with Venus January 04, 2023 and May 04, 2023 EDT. This brings an opportunity your way to expand what you love. You can enjoy finding your own way with your own solutions to your problems.

Uranus forms a trine (great angle) with Mercury January 08, January 29, 2023 EST and September 30, 2023 EDT. This is all about original thinking with quick wit, insights and a surplus of original solutions at hand. This is also a great time for inventions and breakthroughs. Write down and communicate your ideas, who knows where they will take you.

Uranus forms a square (conflict angle) with Venus January 14, 2023 EST. This is not a time where others will value any unusual ideas, rather they will want to go back to ideas they are previously familiar with. There could be a sudden correction or instability around income or markets now.

Uranus goes Direct (forward in motion) January 22, 2023 EST. This will be a time of sudden innovation. All those ideas that were put on hold will suddenly come out on display for all to see. Uranus rules sudden inspiration, unusual events, electrical issues, computers, the nervous system in the body, the electrical grid and in the sign of Taurus, brings sudden income or our values and what is important to us may suddenly change course, our monetary system may be suddenly affected in some manner, how we pay for items could change suddenly.

There may be a new look for practical ideas concerning the use of money and resources. There is a need to reform the older methods that no longer work. The old school of hanging on to material attachments can hinder the freedom to find new methods that could work better now. Sudden wealth could occur now as well as sudden bankruptcy. Take care with finances as those get rich quick schemes really are too good to be real. Get a second and even third opinion before jumping into something that could quickly turn around shortly after it peaks……be prepared.

Saturn is conjunct (joining) Venus January 22, 2023 EST. Saturn is the ruler of regulations and laws and with this energy there is an appreciation for responsibilities and duty. Difficulties and problems will teach the value of learning to overcome obstacles.

Uranus is sextile (soft angle) Venus February 08, 2023 and May 26, 2023 EDT. This is a time when anything unusual or independent in nature is valued. Folks will want to get away from it all and do something completely unique and different. Enjoy!

Pluto is conjunct (joining) Mercury February 10, 2023 EST. This is a great time to receive some psychological analysis or discover hidden agendas. This is also a great time for research analysis and deducting the end results from all that data. Great time for new discoveries from research projects.

Neptune is conjunct (joining) Venus February 15, 2023 EST. This is a great time to hunker down and just let your imagination run wild. Enjoy a new movie, book or artistic venture as the ideas will be coming in dreams or even reality.

Jupiter is sextile Mercury (soft angle) February 17, 2023 EST. This brings and opportunity to get that previous idea off the ground. You may decide to purchase a new communication device, vehicle or even take a short trip. Make those decisions now if you have been delaying.

Pluto is sextile (soft angle) Venus February 19, 2023 and December 29, 2023 EST. This is a great time to work through any sensitive problems you have to deal with. Inner contemplation will help you in the right direction. You may obsess or fantasize over something of value. Be sure to get a second opinion as you could be blinded by past subconscious issues that drive you.

Uranus is square (conflict angle) Mercury February 21, 2023 EST and July 23, 2023 EDT. This will be a stressful time where folks may make sudden monetary decisions that they regret at a later date. Arguments and misunderstandings will come out of the blue. Travel may be laced with sudden corrections or delays or come with changes that are unexpected. Be sure to have all your paperwork in hand before you embark on your new adventures. Changing your mind over and over again as well as unexpected trips, will not be unusual around this date.

Jupiter is conjunct (joining) Venus March 02, 2023 EST. Jupiter (expansion) and Venus here are both in the sign of Aries (fevers/infection) indicating the potential of spreading infection. Venus and Mercury (parasites) together can indicate the potential for a new virus to spread and on the same day Saturn is conjunct (joining) Mercury in Aquarius (nervous system). This is also a great time to solve puzzles and expand your mind.

Saturn is conjunct (joining) Mercury March 02, 2023 EST. As said previously this is in conjunction with the previous aspect of Jupiter conjunct Venus. Both planets acting together on the same date can indicate the potential of a virus to spread. Saturn rules restrictions and Mercury rules parasites and the oxygen we breath. Both are in the sign of Aquarius which rules the nervous system. Sounds like a virus similar to Polio will expand it’s reach around this date.  This is also a great time for problem solving and reorganizing your life.

Saturn enters the sign of Pisces March 07, 2023 EST. Saturn rules restrictions as well as rules and regulations in our life. The sign of Pisces is all about dreams, subconscious issues, hidden agendas, medications and fluids. There may be some restrictions placed on medications around this date and it may be due to the previous transits of Venus and Mercury heralding a potential new virus.

This is a great time to deal with issues from your past and to build a strong foundation to move forward in future. Issues from the past may be revisited over and over until we learn what to embrace and what to let go of. This will be a time when we may be able to try to heal a world in crisis. Being empathetic to others, rather than enhancing their differences can help to move forward now, but we have to learn how to detach from out emotions so we can make the best decisions with clarity. In that way we move forward from a position of inner strength.

Uranus is sextile (soft angle) Mercury March 11, 2023 EST and July 06, 2023 EDT. Invention and breakthroughs are possible now, where solutions and insights are available. Communication with others will be original with quick answers and humor.

Neptune squares (conflict angle) Mars March 14, 2023 EDT and December 28, 2023 EST. There may be a major wind storm at sea around this date leading to stressful accidents/fire at sea. Your imagination and actions are at odds, so you may have to tone down any grandiose ideas so you can accomplish smaller projects to move forward.

Neptune is conjunct (joining) Mercury March 16, 2023 EDT. This is a great time to write down your thoughts and dreams. Imagination rules now and you can document all your ideas to be used at a later date. You may also decide to take a cruise. Enjoy the time!

Pluto forms a square (conflict angle) with Venus March 16, 2023 EDT and December 03, 2023 EST. Wanting control of the money is what this is all about. This brings about conflict with others as you try to manage what they value most. There may also be a problem with the money markets around this date. Whatever hasn’t worked in the past may be scrapped now. New rules and regulations in the area of oil and gas, markets and the dollar. No one is having fun now.

Saturn is sextile (soft angle) Venus March 17, 2023 EDT. This brings an opportunity your way to increase your savings or do some much-needed renovations to increase value to items needing repair. If you meet someone new now, they may be older or more stable and set in their ways.

Pluto is sextile (soft angle) Mercury March 18, 2023 EDT and November 08, 2023 EST. This energy is all about in-depth communication with others. Analytical abilities are high now allowing folks to see the underlying issues that may have been hidden in the past.

Pluto enters the sign of Aquarius March 23, 2023 EDT. The last time Pluto was in the sign of Aquarius was between 1778 and 1798. It was a revolutionary and transformative time that changed the world view of power, money, technology and society as a whole.

This was the time of the French Revolution where Marie Antoinette was said to say “Let them eat cake”. At some point in 1789, after being told that the French population was facing a bread shortage, because of the poor crop harvest and the rodents, and as a result, were starving, Marie Antoinette replied with “let them eat cake!” Cake, obviously being a more expensive item than bread just went on to show how out of touch she was with her subjects. With this callous remark, the Queen became a hated symbol of the monarchy which fueled the French revolution and ultimately led to her (literally) losing her head a few years later.

This is the same energy that we will have to navigate over the next few years with inflation raising the cost of food, war contributing to food, supply chain and energy shortages and those in power being out of touch with the population who are suffering under them. Some in power may again “lose their head”.

Jupiter is conjunct (joining) Mercury March 28, 2023 EDT. This will be a time to make plans while you are clearheaded and able to view all alternate paths ahead of you. You will be able to see clearly the road ahead and will make the right choices.

Saturn is trine (great angle) Mars March 30 and October 13, 2023 EDT. Saturn is all about rules and regulations and building stable structures, while Mars rules our actions and how we move forward by what we do. In this case with this great angle our actions should be successful in building structures that stand the test of time. This is all about disciplined work to move forward to succeed. Job well done!

Uranus is conjunct (joining) Venus March 30, 2023 EDT. Sudden events in romance, income, money and anything that you value. That is the energy of the day. You may want to get away from the everyday routine to do something completely different. Time to purchase a lottery ticket!!

Pluto squares (conflict angle) Mercury April 03 and October 20, 2023 EDT. This is all about trying to control how and what we communicate to others. Some comments may be obsessive in nature, while others could be suspicious of all types of communication. Being unable to separate fact from fiction.

Saturn is sextile (soft angle) Mercury April 05, 2023, May 12, May 19, 2023 EDT, December 02, and December 21, 2023 EST. This is a great time to put your mind to work on any details that will solve problems and obstacles from the past. You will have the mental discipline to move forward now with these issues.

Neptune is sextile (soft angle) Venus April 07, 2023 EDT. This is a great day to enjoy dreaming and imagination. Take time to see a good movie or read a book. Your imagination could show you new and futuristic ideas. Enjoy!

Pluto is trine (great angle) Venus April 11, 2023 EDT and November 06, 2023 EST. You may find you are obsessive about what you love around this date. You can work through past issues that held you forward. Now is the time to move ahead and not allow anything to hold you back.

Saturn is square (conflict angle) Venus April 14, 2023 EDT and November 10, 2023 EST. You could find yourself ignoring the law or truth now. Your values may counteract the rules and regulations around you. Money could become restricted around this date causing stress.

Mercury goes Retrograde (backwards in motion) April 21, 2023 EDT. This is not the best time to travel, purchase a new vehicle or communication device, sign contracts or start new projects. This is rather the time to review issues that have not been working in the past, repair item that are broken or aren’t working and research and compile any new ideas that you want to move forward on once Mercury goes direct again.

Uranus is sextile (soft angle) Mars April 29, 2023 EDT. This is a great time to start something new and different. This is a great time for new ideas and trying a novel approach to issues that haven’t worked in the past.

Pluto goes Retrograde (backwards in motion) May 01, 2023 EDT. Pluto rules power and control as well as transformation to anything that hasn’t worked in the past. With Pluto in Aquarius this transformation will be sudden and life changing for some. While Pluto goes Retrograde there will be a review of past issues of power and control as well as obsession over wanting that control. Expect some setbacks in Government’s and big business that need to make major reform. What always worked in the past will no longer hold water with the masses. This will be a time of review and perhaps back peddling on their part. Global markets may take a bit of a hit around this date. Rules and regulations will have to be reviewed now as people will want to upend what was built in the past. Review of the oil, gas and mining industry will have to occur now.

Neptune squares (conflict angle) Venus May 04, 2023 EDT. This is not the time for daydreaming or trying to escape reality. If you do so, you may lose what you value most. Medications may be hard to obtain now due to cost and value. Those not in a position to pay the most could lose out.

Saturn is trine (great angle) Venus May 13, 2023 EDT and December 05, 2023 EST. People will be wanting law and order now and appreciate duty and responsibility. They will enjoy and learn from these responsibilities building strong self esteem.

Mercury goes Direct (forward in motion) May 14, 2023 EDT. Now is the time to start all those ideas that you researched while Mercury was retrograde. It is a great time to travel, purchase a new vehicle or communication device. Sign those contracts now. Enjoy!

Neptune is trine (great angle) Mars May 15, 2023 EDT and November 17, 2023 EST. There is a strong drive to unify and simplify your life. People will want to escape the everyday world around them and will yearn for some form of imaginative escape. This is a great time for a cruise.

Jupiter enters the sign of Taurus May 16, 2023 EDT. Prosperity and security take center stage now where you may increase what you value the most. If people take care of the material things in their life, the spiritual will take care of itself. A great time to give to others who are not as fortunate as you.

Pluto squares (conflict angle) Jupiter May 17, 2023 EDT. This will be a difficult time where your job requirements may stifle your sensitivity and hold back your path for growth and success. While others try to control how and what you do, you will be trying to free yourself from their constraints. This can be quite stressful so be sure to tread carefully if you wish to keep your job or career.

Pluto opposes (difficult angle) Mars May 20, 2023 EDT. This is about a fight to the death. There will be precision and deliberation involved, while they are deeply committed to a course of action. Pluto in Aquarius is about sudden events that deal with control, obsession and power over electrical systems and communication. Mars rules younger males, some in uniform that take actions that (Mars in Leo) would be conceived as attention getting. Protect ang back up all of your systems before this time.

Jupiter squares (conflict angle) Mars May 23, 2023 EDT. People could become too emotional around this date for their own good. People will make some bad decisions now acting out too aggressively or expanding their actions too far.

Neptune is trine (great angle) Venus June 02, 2023 EDT and December 25, 2023 EST.  This is a great time to let your imagination soar. Some just need to take a step back and enjoy a great book or film to ground mentally. Always working isn’t good for anyone, so enjoying the moment can cleanse the soul. Enjoy the day!

Uranus is conjunct (joining) Mercury June 04, 2023 EDT. This is a great time for a breakthrough in the idea department where folks’ mental activity is in top form. People around you will have great insights and good humor.

Pluto opposes (difficult angle) Venus June 05, 2023 EDT. People around you can be quite intense and secretive now. You would want to be around them as they work through their inner struggles. There may be some form of power struggle between partners. Take care.

Pluto is retrograde (backwards in motion) and goes back into the sign of Capricorn June 10 EDT. We soon will have Pluto in Capricorn. Again, Pluto represents oil, gas and minerals under the earth, as well as banks and big business. The sign of Capricorn though, is about rules, restrictions, depression and Governments. There will be a reigning in of the extremes seen during the time when gas and oil prices were allowed to increase to a level that crippled countries and brought economies to their knees. There will be rules and government intervention in the areas of banks and big business including the stock markets. There will be a need for a father type figure(s) to emerge who will try to make it right telling you what you can and can’t do (for your own good).

Unfortunately with Pluto in Capricorn you may then see extremes in the opposite direction, where there is no growth allowed or only for a select few deemed risk free by the government body(s) set up. There will be a need for everyone to work together to do their part to help one another. This won’t be a pretty time, or an easy time for anyone. Take lessons from those who lived through the last depression and incorporate what works for you into your lifestyle. Make the necessary cuts now so that you can reap the benefits in the future. This gives us one more try, to get it right before Pluto goes direct and back into the sign of Aquarius. If we don’t get it right this time around, Aquarius will permanently make the correction for us and quite suddenly.

Pluto is trine (great angle) Mercury June 11 and October 03, 2023 EDT. In depth discussions and conversations will find folks at their analytical best now. The ideas will come lightening fast.

Jupiter squares (conflict angle) Venus June 11, August 22 and September 17, 2023 EDT. What you value and your current choices are at odds around this date and you may not appreciate the easy clear-cut options. You may choose instead a more difficult path forward. Second opinions could help you see clearly now.

Saturn is squaring (conflict angle) Mercury June 15, 2023 EDT. People could feel mentally restricted or depressed around this date. This is not the best time to solve any serious issues as your thinking could be compromised. Take a step back and let time give you a break until you can think clearly again.

Saturn is sextile (soft angle) Jupiter June 19, 2023 EDT. This is a great time to build a firm foundation and consolidate your career. You will be quite organized and have a great sense of responsibility now that could prove to be quite successful.

Neptune squares (conflict angle) Mercury June 25, 2023 EDT, November 27, and December 27, 2023 EST. Communication will be quite foggy now. Others may try to mislead you and not telling you the truth. You could get too carried away with your plans as things aren’t clear now. Slow down and take more time. Consult professionals if you are unsure.

Uranus squares (conflict angle) Mars June 26, 2023 EDT. This energy is all about accidents so take more care in what you do and how you do it. Don’t take risks or chances, rather be satisfied by things that are useful and ordinary. Steer away from novel ideas as your emotional energy will be more hectic now.

Saturn is trine (great angle) Mercury June 30 and October 22, 2023 EDT. This is a great time for serious thinking. You should be able to work out any previous problems and difficulties from the past. Go back over your previous work and the answers should jump out at you now.

Neptune goes Retrograde (backwards in motion) June 30, 2023 EDT.  This energy is about having to revise your dreams and expectations. There is information out there that is being hidden or kept from the masses. Don’t be surprised if folks don’t like it when their ideals don’t manifest and they see them all slipping away. There may be some recalls in the area of medications, water and alcohol due to hidden issues that need to be revised.

Uranus squares (conflict angle) Venus July 02, August 09 and September 29, 2023 EDT. There could be a sudden shake up on the monetary front now. Be sure to have something saved for a rainy day because you will need it now. Some partnerships could end quite suddenly around this date. Everything is so mixed up that you will want to go back to the good old days.

Neptune is trine (great angle) Mercury July 09, 2023 EDT and November 06, 2023 EST. This is a great time to let your imagination soar. A great time for writers or films to come to life. Your dreams could tell you which direction to move forward towards if you have had blockages in the past. Journaling would be a great hobby to take up now.

Pluto opposes (difficult angle) Mercury July 10, 2023 EDT. Communication will be quite difficult around this date. Bullies abound wanting to control others through communication. You may find that others are quite secretive and underhanded for your taste. Your thoughts and ideas go against their secretive, power-oriented manner and you will call them on it. Verbal abuse abounds. Stay off social media as troll will be running wild.

Jupiter squares (conflict angle) Mercury July 17, 2023 EDT. This is a time when everyone will have multiple ideas on how to move forward. With this conflict angle though, those ideas may have to be reworked in future as they are too expansive right now.

Saturn opposes (difficult angle) Mars July 20, 2023 EDT. Saturn governs rules and regulations, while Mars rules younger males in uniform. There will be a clash between the two around this date, where the actions of others will be critical of the current rules and regulations in place. They will both have to meet in the middle to come to some form of resolution.

Venus goes Retrograde (backwards in motion) July 22, 2023 EDT. Venus represents a combination of income, romance and action/sex. Retrograde means going back over previous details and, in this case, going over previous relationships or perhaps reviewing what you want and expect in your relationships.

As Venus turns Retrograde, you may see many couples having a few problems, or perhaps some will break up altogether as previous relationships surface and are rekindled. Generally this is a time that if a previous or new relationship is rekindled during a Retrograde period, it may very well fall apart again, once Venus moves direct again.

Jupiter is trine (great angle) Mars August 01, 2023 EDT. This is a great time to move forward with any actions that have previously been on hold or that you had difficulty with in the past. You will have a lot of energy and drive and should be able to manifest any career decisions more assertively. Not a lot can hold you back now.

Saturn opposes (difficult angle) Mercury August 01, 2023 EDT. People in control will be trying to restrict what you say or think now. Your thoughts may differ from the established norm causing them to react negatively to you. Traveling may become more difficult and restrictive now as well. Be sure all your paperwork is in order before you leave.

Jupiter is trine (great angle) Mercury August 09, 2023, September 04, September 25, 2023 EDT,
December 07 and December 18, 2023 EST. This is a great time to communicate your ideas to others. Lots of ideas abound in your mind and you can make important decisions around this date. This is also a great time for travel and enjoying yourself.

Uranus is trine (great angle) Mars August 16, 2023 EDT. Sudden and unusual actions could move you forward now. You will like being different and have new ideas you want to put in place. This is the time you could experience a breakthrough by using a novel approach.

Neptune opposes (difficult angle) Mars August 22, 2023 EDT. Actions from others could oppose your dreams and expectations in life. Their actions could stifle your creativity causing frustration and negative reactions. Think this through before you act as you may not be seeing clearly the whole picture. The actions of others may be hidden from you now.

Mercury goes Retrograde (backwards in motion) August 23, 2023 EDT. As said previously, this is not the best time to travel, purchase a new vehicle or communication device, sign contracts or start new projects. This is, rather, the time to review issues that have not been working in the past, repair item that are broken or aren’t working and research and compile any new ideas that you want to move forward on once Mercury goes direct again.

Pluto is trine (great angle) Mars August 24, 2023 EDT. There is a drive now to research, probe and penetrate the actions of others. This is great if you are working on your own inner challenges, but in dealing with others this could find you too dominating and even oppressive. You just won’t know when to give up, due to being so driven to find answers. Take time to also smell the roses here.

Uranus goes Retrograde (backwards in motion) August 28, 2023 EDT. This will be a time for review, if the facts don’t stack up correctly in the area of income and values. This may be a time of more opposition for big banks and business where their actions will be under review. There could be a sudden correction in the markets around this date. Those who have held on to the old methods will find they don’t work anymore and could receive a financial correction now. Some jobs could be lost around this date. Values may have to face some form of correction now.

Venus goes Direct (forward in motion) September 03, 2023 EDT. Venus rules romance, income, values and beauty. Now is the time to move forward with investments, home renovations, makeovers or any other improvement you have been waiting for. It should work out in your favor, finding what you want around this date.

Jupiter goes Retrograde (backwards in motion) September 04, 2023 EDT. Jupiter brings us benefits and when it goes retrograde it can bring too much into our lives. In this case Jupiter is in the sign of Taurus which rules what we value most, income, the throat, thyroid, tenacity, immovability.

Mercury goes Direct (forward in motion) September 15, 2023 EDT. Now is the time to start all those ideas that you researched while Mercury was retrograde. It is a great time to travel, purchase a new vehicle or communication device. Sign those contracts now. Enjoy!

Neptune opposes (difficult angle) Mercury October 02, 2023 EDT. Someone isn’t telling the truth, rather they are telling their own imaginative reality. Best to not place stock in anything folks tell you around this time, as you could find out the reality is a very different animal. Go over any contracts with a fine-tooth comb now. All the writing isn’t in the contract, rather the verbiage will be vague enough to catch you up.

Pluto squares (conflict angle) Mars October 08, 2023 EDT. This energy is all about a conflict between those who want power and control and your actions. The outcome is revolt in some manner. There will be intense emotional drama scenes played out between these two entities. The end result will be more of a slash and burn ending. There may also be a major eruption dealing with fire and total transformation of the surface it moves over.

Saturn opposes (difficult angle) Venus October 10, 2023 EDT. Someone in authority over you may oppose your values and put a damper on your desires. They may wish you to take a decrease in pay or pay more in taxes. You will be unable to understand their reasoning for this.

Pluto goes Direct (forward in motion) October 10, 2023 EDT. Now will be a great time for Governments to move forward with any plans that they had previously on reform. Interest rates may increase now as those who are greedy want their part of the pie and putting an added strain on regular people. This in turn could cause the wobbly global economy to tip and start its slide downwards. When big business is running the governments of the world, there is no end in sight.

Jupiter is trine (great angle) Venus October 21, 2023 EDT. This is a great time when people receive benefits and gifts from others. Enjoy what you value most now. You can enjoy finding solutions that have evaded you in the past. A great time to meet a new partner or to recommit to an old one. Enjoy!

Jupiter opposes (difficult angle) Mars October 28, 2023 EDT. This is about intense opposition to ideas that you want to move forward with now. There may be some underlying issues stopping you from moving forward around this date.

Jupiter opposes (difficult angle) Mercury October 28, 2023 EDT. Others just won’t understand where you are coming from now. They do things one way, while you do things another. Though both methods may achieve the same results, they just won’t understand your method. This is about spinning your wheels.

Uranus is trine (great angle) Venus October 31, 2023 EDT. You could suddenly meet a new romantic partner or just enjoy new friends now. You will want to do something unusual and different and want to get away from your routine for a while.

Neptune opposes (difficult angle) Venus November 03, 2023 EDT. It will be a difficult time to figure out what you value most. The facts may not be clear now and you could make the wrong decisions in regards to your job, income and partnerships. Best to wait until the facts are clear before making any major changes now. Get a second or even third opinion before moving forward.

Saturn goes Direct (forward in motion) November 04, 2023 EDT. This will be a time that Governments and those in authority will decide if more or less is required. Any rules or regulations they had constructed during the Saturn retrograde period may now be put into place. A smoother transition should occur. More governments could work together on a shared plan now trying to build an ideal environment for all.

Uranus opposes (difficult angle) Mercury November 04, 2023 EDT. Sudden events that involve travel, communication, siblings and even the air we breath could bring issues forward now. If you have to communicate with others now, they may take what you say totally out of context now. Sudden verbal road rage type of fights occur around this date.

Uranus opposes (difficult angle) Mars November 11, 2023 EST. Sudden explosive arguments can occur now with this energy. Accidents could occur as critical thinking will be put to the test where people walk out going their own way. This is about trying to force others to your way of thinking and they will no longer tolerate it, rather they will fight back suddenly and in an unusual hidden manner.

Pluto is sextile (soft angle) Mars November 21, 2023 EST. This is an opportunity to move forward with research projects that can help others. You will be able to see deeply into what drives others forward and be able to control the situation yourself. This is also a great time to work through any internal changes that you may have to make to move forward from this date on.

Saturn squares (conflict angle) Mars November 25, 2023 EST. This indicates a conflict between rules and regulations or authority and younger males and  your actions. This will not be an easy time as your own drive will be at odds with the way things are. This in turn will cause frustration. If you keep on pushing you could break something, or become ill. Best to relax and be patient letting the issues around you blow over.

Neptune goes Direct (forward in motion) December 07, 2023 EST. This will be a time to move forward with all those great ideas and see your dreams realized. It will look like all that hard work was worth it. A new spirituality could start around this date. New medications could be discovered, new films on fantasy and new books that get the imagination stimulated. Good news all around.

Jupiter opposes (difficult angle) Venus December 09, 2023 EST. You could find that everything is just too much now. Inflation is out of control and you just can’t make ends meet no matter how hard you try. This energy is about spending too much for items of value causing stress in your life. You will need to find a balance between needs and wants now. Be sure you know the difference or you could have major difficulty in future.

Uranus opposes (difficult angle) Venus December 21, 2023 EST. There may be a sudden correction in the global markets now. Be sure to have something put away for a rainy day, because it just arrived with a bang.

Jupiter goes Direct (forward in motion) December 30, 2023 EST. Jupiter brings good luck and opportunities our way. To use this energy in the most opportune manner it would be best to accept any opportunities that come your way around this date. In fact with Jupiter moving direct now you may have multiple opportunities to explore at this time.

That’s all for 2023, I hope you all have a wonderful year!!  Bev. 🙂