Canada’s Election May 02, 2011

Who will win in Canada’s next Federal election? Well the media and the pollsters are out in full force trying to get an answer to this question. I too decided to sit down and see if there was an answer astrologically speaking, to this question. I found it quite difficult to not put my own bias spin into what I was seeing. Astrology, to be executed correctly, needs to be viewed in an unbiased light as possible.

I started out looking at Canada’s Birth chart, which all the experts agree was July 1, 1867 00:00AM – Ottawa, Ontario, and compared it to the election chart for May 02, 2011 11:30 PM Ottawa, Ontario.

Election Charts

What was quite fascinating was that both charts had similar Jones Pattern Bucket Shapes with Saturn retrograde as the planet that makes up the handle. This bucket shape is defined as having a single minded purpose as the driving force of the chart. It can inspire and teach others or may just become an agitator. Saturn which rules Governments and Authority figures is the singleton planet acting as the handle of the bucket.

Both charts have Saturn in the retrograde position. This is quite important, since it represents the person as the acting authority of the Government and in the retrograde position, indicates an authority figure who is missing or absent in some manner.  Saturn is retrograde in charts of children where the father figure is absent from their life either from divorce, death, overseas, or they just can’t connect with the child. In the case of both of these charts, the leader of the Government was, and will be out of touch with the people, or absent in some manner.

Another thing about both chart handles is that they are not upright, but rather leaning to the side. In the case of Canada’s Confederation chart, the handle leans to the right indicating that there is an effort to use more energy than is necessary to accomplish goals. In the case of the May 2nd 2011 election chart, the handle is leaning to the left which indicates knowing what is necessary and what is wanted, but losing steam half way through executing those plans. In this case there will be a need to try harder to accomplish the goals of the Government.

The May 2, 2011 election chart has a New Moon in Taurus. A New Moon indicates new beginnings and new starts. I find it fascinating that the New Moon is in the fixed sign of stubborn Taurus , the Sun sign for both Stephen Harper and Michael Ignatieff, the two front runners for winning the election.  I’ll bet you didn’t know they were the same Sun signs did you? Perhaps this is why the people are or voters can’t seem to connect with either leader.

The similarities don’t end there either. Fixed signs do not want to budge or change. They will hold on until they are physically removed from their position. Now you’re starting to see why we are in this position having yet another election, due to both party leaders not wanting to accept the peoples wishes….did we say they were out of touch?…oh…. yes we did, with Saturn retrograde as the bucket handle of the election chart.

Lead Chart

Taking a look then at the charts of the potential two front runners Stephen Harper and Michael Ignatieff, I was very surprised to see more similarities in their charts. As I said previously both have their Sun signs that rule the ego in the sign of Taurus and both of them have their Moons which rule the emotions in the sign of Aquarius.  Now Aquarius is all about friendship and keeping people at a distance, there won’t be any emotional displays from either one of these two. Wow two of the main personality traits in Astrology are in the same signs.

Since we don’t have birth times for either one, I was unable to look at the Ascendant which is the third main ingredient of the personality, but they both have their Jupiter in Scorpio. What this all indicates is that both leaders have egos that are similar, emotional responses that are similar and no matter who you vote for, you will have a similar outcome in how they deal with the issues. 

Stephen Harper has Saturn retrograde in his chart indicating, as said previously, an absence or disconnect with his father or authority figure in some manner.  Michael Ignatieff does not have Saturn retrograde in his chart, which indicates that his father or authority figure was around to teach him how to deal with this issue. 

Both leaders have a Grand Cross in their charts which is one of the hardest aspect patterns to deal with.  What it means is that no matter what they do, someone will make their lives difficult. I know that sounds like a lot of folks these days, but what these two men need to learn is how to balance all the points of the cross (or X), usually by giving just enough to each point to not have it overbalance to the opposite point. Not an easy task at all, but certainly an important life lesson.

Now it is time to look at each leaders chart in comparison to Canada’s chart and the Election day chart.

Combined Charts

You can see the New Moon for Election day chart in the outer ring is joining with Michael Ignatieff’s Natal Mercury, which in turn joins with Canada’s Pluto ruler of big business, mining and power. Mercury rules communication or all types and this could indicate a new beginning in how he communicates with businesses.  He could also be the Governments new voice.

Now lets go to that all important Saturn retrograde handle in both the Canada chart and the Election day chart. How does this work out for Mr. Ignatieff on that day. You can see that his Natal Jupiter (benefits and luck) is joining with Saturn in the Canadian Chart, while his Natal Neptune (Dreams and illusions, fame) is joining with the Saturn handle of the Election day chart. This indicates that while he would bring some great benefits to the Government and to Canada as a whole, on this date it may unclear who is the winner. Yes yet another minority Government seems to be the indication.

Pluto in the Election day chart representing the current big business and oil interests is connecting favorably with the New Moon of the chart, but Mr. Ignatieff’s Sun at 21 degrees Taurus,  is too far away to be affected by the New Moon or Pluto.

Looking at Stephen Harpers chart and making similar comparisons.  The New Moon for Election day chart in the outer ring is joining with Stephen Harper’s Natal Sun, which in turn joins with Canada’s Pluto ruler of big business, mining and power.  The Sun in the chart is the ego and in this case indicates a new beginning with a new Government.  Since he was the voice of the government previously he could find himself as the new opposition this time around. In any event something new will come out of this election, it will NOT be the same as before.

Now let’s go to that all important Saturn retrograde handle in both the Canada chart and the Election day chart. How does this work out for him on that day. You can see that his Natal Mars (actions and military) is connecting in a positive manner with Saturn in the Canadian Chart. As well that Mars is joining with the Sun and Uranus in the Canadian chart. This indicates (and I hate having to say this but)  though you may not agree with his actions and how he gets from point A to point B, his actions benefit Canada in the long run.

That Saturn retrograde handle in the Election day chart, is joining with his North Node a fated degree that indicates an area that you are familiar with from a past life. His Natal Mars is in conflict with that Saturn retrograde handle in the Election day chart indicating that his actions are at odds with the rules and regulations of this new Governing body.

Pluto in the Election day chart representing the current big business and oil interests is connecting favorably with the New Moon of the chart, and with Mr. Harper’s Sun at 09 degrees Taurus and his Natal Saturn. This does indicate that they are in favor of how he deals with those in authority as well as rules and regulations. Pluto in the Election chart is at odds with his actions through Mars, so although his actions were ok in the past, they may not look too favorably on how he carries them out this time around especially in dealing with young men in uniform (Mars) otherwise the military.

This brings us to the end result, what can we say about all of this?

Well, looking at the Election day chart, the first thing is there will be a new Government body that was different from the last.
This government could teach others how to work together.
The leader will be a Taurus with fixed ideas of how to get things done, but will have to try harder to accomplish their tasks before they run out of steam.
The leader will be absent or out of touch with the people or country in some manner.
Both front running leaders are very similar and there won’t be a big change to policies not matter who’s in office.
This looks to me like another minority Government, but perhaps a Liberal one this time around.

The main thing is to get out and VOTE!!!! Look at the policies of the party NOT the leader. Select the party that most matches your ideas, or who does the least damage to you and your family.

Good luck to you all.