2019 Yearly Overview
Transit Uranus goes Direct (forward in motion) January 06, 2019 EST. This will be a time of sudden innovation. All those ideas that were put on hold will suddenly come out on display for all to see. Since Uranus is still in the sign of Aries (actions) you could see sudden actions occurring around this date that deal with electricity, computers, electronics or even some major electrical storms.
Transit Jupiter is squaring (conflict angle) Neptune January 13, June 16 and September 21, 2019 EDT. This brings conflict and too much to the areas of fluids, medications, drugs, alcohol, dreams, illusions, lies, film and subconscious issues. Be sure to get all the facts before moving forward in conflict in these areas. Things are hidden now more than they ever have been in the past.
Transit Saturn is sextile (soft angle) Neptune January 31, June 18 and November 08, 2019 EST. This will bring an opportunity to correct any excesses brought forward into the light during the Jupiter square Neptune period. Saturn rules regulations and restrictions as well as governments, CEO’s and those in authority over us.
Transit Uranus enters the sign of Taurus March 06, 2019. Uranus rules sudden inspiration, unusual events, electrical issues, computers, the nervous system in the body, the electrical grid and in the sign of Taurus brings sudden income, our values and what is important to us may suddenly change course, our monetary system may be suddenly affected in some manner, how we pay for items could change suddenly. There may be a new look for practical ideas concerning the use of money and resources. There is a need to reform the older methods that no longer work. The old school of hanging on to material attachments can hinder the freedom to find new methods that could work better now. Sudden wealth could occur now as well as sudden bankruptcy. Take care with finances as those get rich quick schemes really are too good to be real. Get a second and even third opinion before jumping into something that could quickly turn around shortly after it peaks……be prepared.
Transit Jupiter goes Retrograde (backwards) April 10, 2019 EST. Jupiter brings us benefits and when it goes retrograde it can bring too much into our lives. In this case Jupiter is in the sign of Sagittarius which rules freedom, religions, spirituality, other countries and views, legal issues and higher thought and learning. Previous methods to deal with these issues may no longer work. This will be a time of redoing or readdressing issues in these areas.
Transit Pluto goes Retrograde (backwards) April 24, 2019 EDT. Expect some setbacks in Government’s that need to make major reform. This will be a time of review and perhaps back peddling on their parts. Global markets may take a bit of a hit around this date.
Transit Saturn (Governments and rules/regulations) goes Retrograde (backwards) April 29, 2019 EDT. This will be a time that those in authority will review what they have in place and decide if more or less is required once Saturn goes direct in September.
Transit Neptune goes Retrograde (backwards) June 21, 2019 EDT. This energy is about having to revise your dreams and expectations. There is information out there that is being hidden or kept from the masses. Don’t be surprised if they don’t like it when their ideals don’t manifest and they see them all slipping away. There may be some recalls in the area of medications, water and alcohol due to hidden issues that need to be revised.
Transit Jupiter goes Direct (forward in motion) August 11, 2019 EDT. Jupiter brings good luck and opportunities our way. To use this energy in the most opportune manner it would be best to accept any opportunities that come your way around this date. In fact with Jupiter moving direct now you may have multiple opportunities to explore this year. Those in higher learning, spirituality, legal issues and foreign counties could expand their operations now.
Transit Uranus goes Retrograde (backwards in motion) August 11, 2019 EDT. This will be a time for review and if the facts don’t stack up correctly in the area of income and values. This may be a time of more opposition for big banks and business where their actions will be under review. There could be a sudden correction in the markets around this date. Those who have held on to the old methods will find they don’t work anymore and could receive a financial correction now. Some jobs could be lost around this date.
Transit Saturn goes Direct (forward in motion) September 18, 2019 EDT. This will be a time that Governments and those in authority will decide if more or less is required. Any rules or regulations they had constructed during the Saturn retrograde period may now be put into place. A smoother transition should occur. More governments could work together on a shared plan now.
Transit Pluto goes Direct (forward in motion) October 02, 2019 EDT. Now will be a great time for Governments to move forward with any plans that they had previously on reform. Interest rates may increase now as those who are greedy want their part of the pie. This in turn could cause the wobbly global economy to tip and start its slide downwards. When big business is running the governments of the world, there is no end in sight.
Transit Neptune goes Direct (forward in motion) November 27, 2019 EST. This will be a time to move forward with all those great ideas and see your dreams realized. It will look like all that hard work was worth it. A new spirituality could start around this date. New medications could be discovered, new films on fantasy and new books that get the imagination stimulated. Good news all around.
Jupiter enters the sign of Capricorn December 02, 2019 EST. Jupiter is not very strong in this sign. Think of moving forward but being restricted by all that red tape. People will be more restrictive in their giving both spiritually and monetarily. People will have to depend more on their own efforts and the efforts of their families during this time. There could be some restriction on any freedom of information and governments will not be as forthcoming as they were previously.
Transit Jupiter is trine (great angle) Uranus December 15, 2019 EST. This is a great angle that could increase our use of electrical communication and other devices to gain information. Our electrical grid could suddenly be corrected so it is not as affected by storms and other interference. Unusual ideas could become the norm rather than eccentric. Spirituality could suddenly change in some manner. Open your mind now to what could be rather than being afraid of it.
Well that seems to be it for the main themes in 2019. I want to wish you all a wonderful year ahead. Enjoy! Bev.